Marketing Directly To Your Customers!
From one zip code to over 1.4 MILLION HOUSEHOLDS!
Insert your own mail piece or let us design an insert for you.

Why FSI Direct Marketing?
FSI Direct provides proven benefits of direct mail and home distribution for a fraction of the cost of mailing yourself. You get the benefits of your own advertising piece reaching everybody’s homes within your chosen markets without the exorbitant costs of individual postage.
You can provide your own preprinted materials or we can offer a wide range of turnkey services. From a postcard to individual flyers, almost any type of advertising can be distributed through FSI Direct.
You know exactly where your ad dollars are going and can save 70% or more on traditional mailing costs. In many cases, shared mail allows you to distribute your advertising materials for less than the cost of inserting in most local newspapers and allows you to more than double the reach of daily and Sunday Newspaper circulation.
Each advertiser’s materials are independent and free-standing and are not bound together, nor are they delivered enclosed in an envelope. Our Direct Mail Program is read by over 76% OF ALL HOUSEHOLDS receiving our package, and more than 40% make purchase decisions as a result of seeing our advertising.
FSI Direct offers almost complete saturation of every residential address within your market, and the ability to target individual zip codes of your choice. YOU DECIDE your market area. No other advertising medium provides complete coverage with as little waste.
No other advertising vehicle works as well as shared mail because no other medium provides the precise targeting, saturation, immediate impact and high visibility that FSI Direct provides. We make your advertising AFFORDABLE AND EFFECTIVE for small and large businesses alike and most importantly…PRODUCE RESULTS!!!